Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sasquatch is a Panama Party Animal...

Too Bad this BigFoot binger can't Tell Time!

Early morning sighting of Panama Bigfoot.
A stranded tourist from Patagonia caught this amazing photo of a Bigfoot loitering in a nightclub district in Panama City, Panamá. 

"The beast looked like he was ready to party... But it was only 10 en la mañana, everything was shut down. It almost looked like this hairy animal was bar-hopping, but all the bars were closed."

"Either the creature was practicing nothing or he was muy estúpido! The Sasquatch can't tell time, for sure. I bet it can't dance reggaetón either."

"Divertido, ¿no? Y esta criatura apestosa parece ser tan inteligente como un coco."

Seconds later, the Panama Party Bigfoot ran away towards Avenida Central, chased by a feral pack of ferocious miniature toy poodles. Panama police are alert and on the case, "This incident requires many, many, many, mucho, mucho visits to the local nightclubs for further investigation", said the city crypto-animal control officer, "mucho!".

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