Blinng Productions™ Announces New Bigfoot Movie Plans!
What the world needs is a new Sasquatch Documentary, and Blinng Productions™ are just the people moronic enough to do it!
Dr. Karl Blinng is busy fleecing, er, acquiring, sufficient funds from suitably naive investors to get started on his masterpiece.
"We don't have a script. Or actors. Or Bigfoots. But that won't stop us! This Bigfoot movie will be the greatest hit since Jar-Jar Binks astounded the world in his stupendous Star Bores films!"
Blinng Studios™ have released a promotional poster for the film, targeting widows, orphans, bitcoin investors and other types of wily investors. We're hopefully assuming the studio obtained legal permission to use this unpaid actress's image:
Bigfoot Bonanza Planned. Hollywood is Scared! |
Erk Holohead, a member of the YETI not SETI Institute bored of directors, acknowledges there is risk in this venture. "Yes, we know we're aiming amazingly low with this film, but we know our audience. We have no expertise, no funding, no talent, and looking at Blinng in action - - no brains. But it doesn't matter! We'll dub the thing in Spanish and Mandarin - - then make a mint in the overseas markets. If we get a really rotten tomatoes rating, it won't matter! Now to get those bitcoin investors to pay up..."