Sunday, July 31, 2022

Panic in Portugal! Bigfoot Sightings!

 Pesky Portuguese Sasquatches Spotted in Lisbon and Sintra! 

Things are not idyllic in the Iberian Peninsula. More Bigfoot sightings are causing consternation and confusion in Portugal.

Tourists, Statues, and Pigeon alike were totally amazed at seeing the rare North American Bigfoot prowling around the Castelo de São Jorge.

There have been a series of unwelcome incidents in Spain involving nasty Bigfoots. Now Portugal is reeling under the impact of these smelly invasive beasts! The national health minister sent out a 3 AM text to all citizens, warning them not to feed or molest these Ape-Men in any way, fashion or form. "These animals are dumb and dangerous and carry enough fleas and ticks to infect a forest!"
Uninvited visitor to the Palacio de Pena in Sintra.

Day trippers to the Palacio de Pena originally thought the animal was part of the tour, until it started to turn trash bins over looking for scrapes of left-over fried pork testicles. "That's Túbaros for you Anglos who can't even speak your own language!", sniffed a casual visitor from the far north of Portugal. "We wouldn't put up long with these wild beasts where I live, unless they are served sautéed and well-done!"  

Yeti Not SETI Dupe, that is HERO, Divot Looney found himself trapped by a menacing Sasquatch yet again. This time in the Palacio de Pena. Divot is recovering in Yuba City California with a few cases of inexpensive Port the Institute provided to pay him off.

Fearing an international incident, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs sent an extremely apologetic and secret diplomatic note to the Portuguese Ambassador Ambassador to España. Part of the official communication was released via the usual source of leaks... "Su Majestad envía sus pesares con respecto a las noticias que escuchamos de la infestación de Sasquatch que ahora afecta a su encantador país, aunque es mucho más pequeño que España. ¿Lamentamos que algunos Sasquatches españoles hayan cruzado a Portugal? ¡Diablos no! ¡Tómalos a todos y tíralos al océano Atlántico! Que tengas un día maravilloso."

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